Wednesday 9 November 2016

Arrrgghh! I can't believe
the hours I used to WASTE!"

A Grade“I can’t believe they don’t teach this in school. I can’t believe the hours I used to waste - for nothing! I wish I had known about this years ago.... A definite must for high school or university student.

Robert McNemara
First-year university student

"Makes studying fun.."

study books
“I can’t believe studying could be so much fun!”

David O’Connell
Grade 7 student

"I used to believe I couldn't be a better student. Boy was I wrong."

“I hate to admit it, but I came here not believing I could learn to be a better student (my parents sent me against my will). Boy was I wrong! When I get home, I’m going to give them both a huge hug. This will change my life forever!”

Sylvio Di Angelo

Grade 10 student

I'm glad to know this
before it's too late."

“If I had known about this sooner, I would have made the honor roll in high school for sure! I’m just glad to know this before it’s too late!
Paul Martineau
First year Bachelor of Science student

"Fun and engaging"

“Professor Dussault is one of the best teachers I’ve had in over 4 years of university courses. He creates a fun and engaging atmosphere that lures the most introverted students (like me) to come out of their shells and explore new ideas and concepts openly.”
A (very shy) graduate student who wishes to remain anonymous

"More Courses in LESS Time = $25,000/yr Salary Raise"

Piles of Cash“By going from 1 to 3 night courses per semester and spending LESS TIME studying, it means I will complete my commerce degree 3 years sooner - that’ll be worth $25,000/year increase in salary... Yipee!”

Helena M.
Corporate Telecommunications Manager

"All High Distinctions (As)"

All High Distinctions A+“I just aced my first series of exams - ALL HIGH DISTINCTIONS (As) - I never, ever thought I was that smart - neither did my friends who envy me now! Thanks!”
Frank Lowenstein
First Year Uni Student

"I went from Ds and Cs to Bs and As"

Report card with A's and B's“I went from Ds and Cs and to Bs and a few As. I never knew the pretty girls went for the smarter boys in the class. Shhh!”

Morris J.
High School Senior

"I am excited to have this information"

Speed Learning Video“I thought I would let you know that I have downloaded your book and read it and took notes the very same day I bought it.  I am excited to have this information and I have already made plans to put these steps into action in my study.  I have also watched the speed learning video.

Thank you for keeping at me to use these tools.”

Sharon Meserve

Learn how to STUDY SMART so you can still go out with friends, kick back, surf the Net or play video games!

Your success in life has little to do with your ability to get straight As and Bs in every subject. But if you want to become a super-achiever and be successful in life you MUST become a SUPER-learner - simply because anyone can learn almost anything as long as they have enough time to do it.
If you want to be super successful in life, have a well-paying career and do something with your life - you must become BETTER than most people. You must become better than average. MUCH BETTER.

If you want to be successful in life -
you must become a SUPER-LEARNER!

You see, anyone can become a Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan or Bill Gates. These people are obviously more determined than most but the KEY to their success is better strategies.
If you want to get good grades on your report card in every subject, become a super-learner and accomplish what most people can only dream about - you need better strategies.



  1. awesome stuff keep the fire burning,looking forward to the next blog

  2. Great article. I appreciate it a lot.
